Tipping in Egypt
Tipping in Egypt can be tricky. Most public bathrooms are staffed, and visitors are expected to tip the attendant. Some restroom attendants, especially at tourist sites, will dole out toilet paper based on the tip they receive. Some locals have been known to attempt to demand baksheesh for minor services, such as assisting people out of their cars or helping people up if they trip in the street. Foreigners may be especially susceptible to this, and although some locals ask or demand tips, they are often not warranted. There is no rule for what is considered tip-worthy, so one must be ready to hand out an Egyptian pound or two just in case to use the bathroom or to get into some buildings. For services such as tour guides or translators, a tip of 20% or more is generally accepted. Taxis don't run on meters, just on agreed upon prices, so there is no additional tip to give, although some drivers may ask for extra. Tips are expected at restaurants, and can range from a few pounds to 15%.Tipping in South Africa
In South Africa, the customary tip at restaurants is 10 percent, although some restaurants charge a mandatory service fee for large parties. A small amount is occasionally given to petrol station attendants for additional services, such as cleaning one's windscreen. Toilet cleaners at service stations along major road routes are sometimes tipped when they provide good service and keep the facilities clean. "Car guards", who claim to "look after" one's parked car are often given a small tip if they are in uniform and authorized; however those without uniforms are usually regarded as a nuisance, and tipping them is not compulsory, despite the fact that they often harass motorists looking for payment.Tipping in Ethiopia
In Ethiopia tipping is common in hotels, restaurants and bars. One is also expected to tip parking lot attendants whether officially hired by institutions or self assigned. In some restaurants it is customary to tip any dancers, and this is usually done by sticking the paper money bill on the forehead of the dancer.Tipping in Asia
Tipping in China
In China, traditionally there is no tipping. However, hotels that routinely serve foreign tourists may allow tipping. An example would be tour guides and associated drivers. In Mandarin, the term used is å°è²» (xiÇŽo fèi, lit. "small change"). In Cantonese, the most commonly used term is 貼士 (Jyutping:tip si), transliterated from the English word 'tips'.Tipping in Hong Kong
Tipping in Hong Kong is customary in some situations, but it can create legal issues due to some Hong Kong specific ordinances prohibiting tipping for certain services such as public utilities. Waiters, who have already received a compulsory 10% service charge, may occasionally be given an additional gratuity. Restaurants: 10% is usually included in the bill presented to the customer.Bars: tipping is not a normal occurrence, though some may round the bill. Hotels: service charge is always included, but bell-boys may expect a small gratuity. Taxis: the driver customarily rounds the bill. No matter how long the trip is, extra tipping is not expected.
Tipping in India
In India there has traditionally been little or no tipping. Tips in India are never a percentage of the total value and many traditional restaurants in India do not expect a tip. However, this attitude has begun to change. While some people many leave as little as 5% or less of the total bill, people in major cities such as Bombay usually leave an amount that is about 10% and Delhi leaves about 15% of the value of the bill. Some restaurants have also have started placing jars at the cashier for people to drop in some change if they feel so, but this is a rather rare phenomenon. Most clubs in India have a complete ban on its members from tipping. Usually no service industry except the food services industry expects a tip. In India, it is illegal for taxi or rickshaw drivers to charge anything above the meter.Tipping in Japan
Tipping is not the common custom in Japan and it is almost never done at casual restaurants, as it is considered rude, implying that servers must be paid extra to ensure they do their job. When tipping occurs, the term used is ãƒãƒƒãƒ— (chippu, from English "tip"), or 心付㑠(kokorozuke, lit. "pay from the heart").Tipping in Malaysia
Tipping is not customarily done in Malaysia. Service charge of 10% is included in total bill in most air conditioned restaurants.Tipping in Philippines
Tipping is not usually done in the Philippines, except when the customer wants to show appreciation for services rendered. Midrange to high-end restaurants occasionally have a service charge of 10%. In taxis, it is common to add PhP20 to PhP50 on top of the fare.Tipping in Singapore
Tipping is not required in Singapore; however it is common for restaurants to levy a 10% service charge before GST.Tipping in South Korea
Tipping is not the custom in South Korea and it is almost never expected. Many hotels and a few tourist restaurants add 10% service charge on their checks.Tipping in Taiwan
In Taiwan tipping is rare except when a customer uses a porter at an airport, which is usually 50 New Taiwan Dollars per luggage, or wants to show appreciation for exceptional service. Some restaurants and hotels already add 10% service charges. The service charge is generally applied at restaurants where the waiter is expected by the employer to pay a great deal of attention to the customer, or if the meal requires assistance from the wait staff (as in some barbecue restaurants).Tipping in Oceania
Tipping in Australia
In Australia, tipping is relatively uncommon and traditionally not encouraged (similar to the UK). Tipping is occasionally conducted in the hospitality industry. Service providers in other industries do not expect a tip. In Australia, suggesting that someone is of a lower status is very insulting. Such tipping is often discouraged as it is thought to suggest servitude. When using credit cards, a line is usually included for a tip to be offered if desired, but the practice remains entirely discretionary. (It has become common to round restaurant bills up to the nearest dollar or ten-dollar multiple, with the additional amount forming the tip.)The tipping practice of American tourists is increasingly common at some hospitality establishments in larger cities for exceptional service. In recent decades, tip jars have become more widespread in some urban areas although it is still regarded by locals as a personal and optional choice.
Casinos in Australia generally prohibit tipping of gaming staff, as it is considered bribery. (For example, in the state of Tasmania, the Gaming Control Act 1993 states in section 56 (4): "it is a condition of every special employee's licence that the special employee must not solicit or accept any gratuity, consideration or other benefit from a patron in a gaming area.") Similarly, tipping government officials is not customary and will usually be interpreted as bribery (although a non-monetary gift such as flowers or a card is acceptable if one wishes to acknowledge exceptional service).
In some communities, postmen and garbage collectors are left an annual non-monetary tip (usually beer) at Christmas.
Tipping in New Zealand
Tipping is not part of New Zealand culture and is often treated with suspicion or actively frowned upon, as many people view it as a largely American custom that over-compensates certain workers while others are left out; additionally there is a feeling that tipping is paying twice for one service. Despite this, some forms of tipping are common, such as rounding up a taxi fare. It is almost as likely, however, that the taxi driver will round the fare down to the nearest dollar. Some cafés keep a jar on the counter marked "tips for staff" in which customers can leave small change. Occasionally tips are given in a restaurant for exceptional service; particularly in the larger cities like Wellington or Auckland. Others may feel that the people who do this are being ostentatious and showing off their wealth. New Zealanders traveling overseas often find the custom difficult and confusing. However, many New Zealanders travel and live in other countries, often returning to New Zealand; bringing the tipping habit back with them.In general, people who perform a service in New Zealand, such as waiters and hairdressers, are tipped with a smile and a thank you. This is considered reasonable because their average wage is substantially larger than their American counterparts.
Tipping in Europe
In the European Union and elsewhere in Europe, tipping practices vary from region to region, although, in general, tipping is not considered obligatory.Tipping in Austria
In Austria, tipping is common and, although legally not mandatory, often considered as socially obligatory. Giving 5% to 10% of the total amount is common; more signals exceptionally good service. Paying a multiple of a Euro is usual, for low sums the amount paid is often a multiple of 50 cents (i.e. a bill of 7.80 can be paid as 8 or 8.50). Tipping is not practised when the goods are exchanged over the counter (i.e. in fast-food restaurants or at street stalls). Traditionally, the owner of a restaurant (known as "Wirt" in German) does not receive a tip. A tip is known in the German language as Trinkgeld, which literally translates as 'money for drink'. In similar fashion, the French expression is pourboire. It is also common practice to tip other service employees, like taxi drivers or hair dressers.Tipping in Belgium
Tipping in Belgium is not obligatory as service charge is always included. However, people often give tips as a sign of appreciation. Usually, this is done by paying in bank notes with a total value slightly higher than the price of the meal and telling the waiter/waitress that they can keep the change.Tipping in Bulgaria
Tipping, called бакшиш (bakshish) in Bulgarian, is not the custom in Bulgaria, although one can leave a tip as a sign of appreciation.Tipping in Croatia
Tipping is not particularly common, although it may occur in restaurants and bars. Prices are usually already adjusted upwards, and labour laws ensure a minimum wage for all workers, therefore tipping is usually not expected. A unique practice of tipping exists among the pensioners who receive their pension via mail in rural settlements. They may leave any coinage to the postman who delivers it as a sign of appreciation.Tipping in the Czech Republic
Although it is customary to tip in the Czech Republic, it has very little to do with the size of the bill, and more to do with a sign of appreciation.Tipping in Denmark, Sweden and Norway
The service charge is not separated from the bill, but adjusted for in the salary of the person. Traditionally, the tip has not been common, but is being introduced by outside influence. Tipping should only be given as a token of real appreciation for the service. Be aware that the tips will most often be split between the waiters and the kitchen. If you want to thank a specific person, make sure to tell them it is a personal gift. Taxi drivers do not expect tips, any extra service (such as carrying bags) will be listed on the receipt according to rate. In this region, tipping is sometimes referred to as driks (Norwegian) but usually just tips, drikkepenge (Danish) or dricks (Swedish), meaning for drinks.Tipping in Estonia
Tipping has been common in Estonia only after the restoration of independence, and therefore isn't always requested. A 10% tip is usually added to the price in restaurants and taxi drivers often keep the change. Some restaurants and pubs have a jar or box on the counter labelled 'Tip' on it, where customers can put their change. Tipping is referred to as "jootraha" in Estonian, meaning drinking money.Tipping in Finland
In Finland tipping, known as tippi or juomaraha (literally "drink money") is entirely optional and almost unheard of outside restaurants and bars. Coat checkers generally have a service fee. Tips are always paid in cash. Bar patrons may often tip the bouncer when leaving for satisfactory service in the establishment in general. Consequently tips are most often pooled. Bars often have a brass tippikello, tip bell near the counter. upon receiving a tip, the service person strikes it with the largest denomination of coin given in the tip. Tipping government and municipality service personnel for any service is not allowed, and could lead to legal problems.Tipping in France
In France, service charge is always included, and so tipping, or le pour boire (lit. "for a drink"), is not expected. It is however not at all uncommon to leave some small change on the table.Tipping in Germany
In Germany, tips (das Trinkgeld, lit. "drink money") are expected in many situations. In bars, restaurants (except fast food places without table service), guided tours, taxicabs and sometimes barber shops, tips are expected to be about 5 - 10% of the total amount if the guest was satisfied with the service. The owner of the business was usually not tipped even if he served his customers personally, but this is changing. When the bill is presented, pay any multiple of 0.50 Euro, because very poor tips are considered rude. If the customer does not want to give an appropriate amount, he should rather give no tip at all. However, it is acceptable to leave cents in change money behind adding "Stimmt so!" (pronounced: shtimt zo; meaning: It's alright like that!). Public toilet attendants are often tipped €0.30 to €0.50, usually by leaving the money on a plate by the door.Tipping in Greece
In Greece tip is known as filodorima (meaning gift for a friend). Tipping traditionally is not based on a predetermined percentage. Customers usually leave a tip to the 'maitre',waiters,valets and bell boys, varying from few coins to large amounts of money, according to how satisfied they are by the service. In some cases, waiters gain more money from tips than their wage. Tipping to taxi drivers is uncommon.Tipping in Hungary
Tips are given in Hungary for some services: in restaurants, in bars, to cab drivers, to hairdressers, and often to people that fix things around the house, like plumbers and electricians. Tips are called borravaló, "a little something for wine", in Hungarian. Although not legally required, social norms encourage that tips are given. The amount varies by profession: in restaurants the normal amount is around 5% to 10% of the total bill, but hairdressers can expect 25% or more in tips, since they are expected to make more money in tips than in wages.Additionally there is the custom of hálapénz (gratitude money) that may be classified as a tipping system in Hungarian healthcare. Because of the comprehensive healthcare system where everyone receives healthcare for free, and the generally low wages for health care professionals, doctors and nurses can often expect to receive fairly substantial sums of money or goods from their patients.
Tipping in Iceland
In Iceland tipping (þjórfé, lit. "drink money") is rare. Service charges are generally included in the bill.Tipping in Ireland
In the Republic of Ireland, tipping has been established as a custom since the early sixties, and has become much more commonplace in the period of increased wealth through the Celtic Tiger. Many people working in the service industry, particularly in restaurants, would expect a tip even when providing poor service. It is increasingly common to tip hairdressers/barbers and for a taxi ride; the fare would normally be rounded up. It is not customary to tip bar staff, or any 'over the counter' server, though often waiters in pubs (known as lounge staff) are tipped a token amount. It is not usual to tip in a restaurant when a service charge is included (which is the norm for large groups), except in the case of exceptional service. Where no service charge is indicated, a tip of about 10% to 12% is appropriate for good service.Tipping in Italy
Tips (la mancia) are customary in Italy, but not essential. The tradition of the tip remains impervious to change, even though café or restaurant prices now more and more often include both cover charge and service. On paying the bill, if it is paid in cash it is a matter of leaving a few notes from the change, or saying to the waiter "va bene così" ("it's all right"), when the difference between the amount paid and the actual bill automatically becomes the tip. When using a credit card, there are two possibilities: if the total on the credit card slip is the same as the bill, again leave some notes as a tip; but if the amount or the total are blank, simply round up the total to include the tip when signing the credit card slip. Tipping in bars and discotheques is not expected and very rare.Tipping in The Netherlands
In The Netherlands, tips, or de fooi in Dutch, are common in restaurants. Tips are expected to be around 5% to 10% of the total amount (depending on the quality of service), unless the service has been poor. Tips are generally not expected in bars, but are not uncommon. In addition, in the holiday season, it is customary for the newspaper delivery person to receive a tip of around €2.50 to €5.Tipping in Romania
The tip is usually 10% of the bill and is expected in restaurants, coffee shops, taxi, hair dresser. Many other shops not frequented by westerners refuse tips, perceiving them as a form of bribery.Tipping in Russia
In Russia, tipping (Ðа чай, na chai, or Чаевые, chaevie, lit. "for a tea", in Russian) is not necessary. Still, it is necessary to pay about 10% tips in restaurants, especially in Moscow. Some restaurants may include service into the amount, but it's very rare. Tipping is not considered customary for taxis, in fact, you should negotiate your fare before you get in the taxi.Tipping in Serbia
Tipping is known as напојница/napojnica or, more colloquially, бакшиш/bakšiš (baksheesh) in Serbian. Tips are not considered a strict social obligation, however leaving a tip (10-15%) is usually expected in restaurants if the customer is not dissatisfied with the service. Tips are also accepted in bars and taxi cabs (usually by rounding up the amount paid). In Kosovo generally tipping is not expected by anyone. In Albanian parts, tipping is generally not recommended at all.Tipping in Slovenia
Tipping is not customary in Slovenia and traditionally it is almost never done. In recent times, however, high-tourist areas have begun to accept tips, which are welcomed but not obligatory. In such cases, the amount is typically 10 percent, but may range higher in exceptional circumstances.Tipping in Spain
Tipping is not customary in Spain, and it is not frequently done among natives. In bars and small restaurants, Spaniards leave as a tip the small change they receive in a plate after paying the bill. No tips are expected outside the restaurant business.Tipping in Switzerland
Swiss workers enjoy a very high per capita income and minimum wage. As a result of this and modern cultural influences, tipping is typically low (for example a maximum of CHF5 regardless of bill size), if not non-existent. Tipping is also very rare outside of restaurants and is even rare in bars.Tipping in Turkey
In Turkey, tipping, or bahşiş (lit. gift, from Persian word بخشش) is usually optional and not customary in many places. However, a tip of 5-10% is expected in restaurants, which is usually paid by "leaving the change". Cab drivers usually don't expect to be tipped, though, rounding the fare upward would be appreciated. In hotels, a small change as a tip would be enough make most porters happy.Tipping in the United Kingdom
Tipping throughout the UK is usually expected at restaurants and always in London taxis (black cabs). The practice is also relatively common for some other services, such as hairdressers. Tipping a policeman, fireman, nurse, doctor or other public-sector workers is prohibited and in the case of the police may be considered attempted bribery. For other public servants, however, a box of chocolates, flowers or possibly a bottle of wine may be considered appropriate as an expression of special gratitude. Some private companies may require their employees to refuse tips for various reasons. For instance, the John Lewis Partnership states to employees that customers should not be expected to pay more for good service, and that any tips that are received should be handed in. In private members clubs tipping is often forbidden to avoid embarrassment for both staff and patrons.In many table-service restaurants - and 'gastro pubs' - a 'service charge' is added to the bill, usually (but not always) when the party exceeds a certain size e.g. six, in which case there is no expectation to tip further. It's worth checking the menu when ordering, for information on service charges. A service charge is not legally binding and will be removed from the bill on request.
As in many other countries, there is a percentage perceived to be 'correct' when tipping, of something between 10% and 15%; 10% is a considered a good minimum within the restaurant industry and is generally considered the default. In self-service establishments, tips are not usually given, except in exceptional circumstances. Many restaurants will allow tips to be added to a credit card bill, but it is generally considered better to leave cash at the table. The reason for this is that cash is deemed to have been given to the waiting staff directly, whilst credit card payments and cheques are legally payable to the restaurant. While a tip given by credit card or cheque will almost always be passed on to the waiting staff, it is legal for restaurants to pay their staff less than the minimum wage if the amount given in tips via the restaurant management augments their wages to the level of the minimum wage.
Tipping the delivery person upon arrival of a take-away is also quite common especially when delivery is fast. It is not normal to tip for drinks in a pub or bar, although offering to buy the bar tender a drink is considered acceptable and they may then take (money) for the value of a drink (which is in effect taking a tip). In cases where the pub is also a restaurant, the serving staff may be tipped. It is less usual to tip in cafés and coffee shops than in restaurants.
In some establishments, tips are kept individually by the waiter or waitress, whereas in others they may be pooled and divided amongst all the staff. In other instances, tips may be set aside for some other purpose for the benefit of the staff, such as to fund a staff party or trip.
London taxi drivers customarily expect a tip, again of between 10% and 15% of the metered fare. Licensed taxi and minicab drivers elsewhere do not expect tips, though it is not unusual to offer them.
Tipping in North America
Tipping in Canada
Tipping in Canada is similar to that in the United States due to the close cultural nature of the two countries. For example, while tipping for waiters in the United States is 15-20% for good service, waiters in Canada also receive 10-20% for good service. Quebec and Ontario allow employers to pay lower minimum wages to workers who would reasonably be expected to be receiving tips. In Ontario, the minimum wage is $8.75 per hour, with the exceptions for: Students under 18 years old and employed for not more than 28 hours a week, who are paid $8.20 per hour; and Liquor servers, who are paid $7.60 per hour.Workers who receive tips are legally required to report the income to the Canada Revenue Agency and pay income tax on it. However, many workers have been known to not report any income from tips at all or, perhaps more commonly, to "lowball" the figure. In response, the CRA has vowed that it will closely check the tax returns of individuals that it would reasonably expect to be receiving tips to ensure that the tips are reported, and that the amount reported on the returns is realistic.
Tipping in Mexico
Tipping in Mexico is also similar to the United States. In Mexico a tip is known as una propina in Spanish. It is usually from 10 to 15%.Tipping in Restaurants
Meals have a 10% to 15% tip (this includes fast food deliveries). This tip is usually left by most people in restaurants, although it is not so common in street restaurants or stands, where the tenders usually have a can or box where people deposit coins.Tipping in Bars
In Mexican bars and night clubs it is often seen that they charge directly into the bill the 15% of the total amount (taxes included) which is illegal in most cases because of the imposition of the tip and because they calculate the 15% with taxes included. In large groups, or in night clubs the barmen expect the customers to deposit their tip in a cup left on the table before serving the drinks. This way, the service they give is in function with the tip they received.Tipping in Viene vienes ("Car guards")
It is also customary to give a tip to the person who sometimes guard the car as if they were valet parking; in Mexico these people are often called "viene viene" (literally: "comes, comes") and usually people give them from 3 to 20 Mexican pesos depending on the zone, although viene vienes sometimes ask for bigger sums of money when the car is left close to a night life area.Tipping in Retail stores and supermarkets
In medium and large retail stores such as Wal-Mart there are uniformed helpers, usually children or the elderly, who bag the products just after the clerk has scanned them. This role is called cerillo (Spanish for "match"). It is common for these helpers to not have a base salary, so all the money earned is from the tips people give them. Most customers give from 2 to 5 Mexican pesos depending on the quantity of products. Cerillos also put the bags in the cart and if the load is large they can even help bringing it to the car and unloading the bags; in these cases they normally receive more than 15 pesos.Tipping in Others
Tipping is not expected in cabs or buses, except when it is a tour. In some populated Mexican restaurants wandering musicians enter, play, and expect the customers to pay something, although this is voluntary. In filling stations, the workers usually get from 2 to 5 pesos for every gasoline load. In stadiums people give a small tip to the person that shows the place where they should sit. Tips are also given to bell-boys, to barbers and people that work in similar services.Tipping in United States
This section contains weasel words, vague phrasing that often accompanies biased or unverifiable information. Such statements should be clarified or removed. Tipping is widely practiced in the United States and is considered a social obligation by some, and an antiquated complication for others. Standards vary, but generally, gratuities are given as a reward for services rendered in the restaurant, bar, hotel, and taxi industries.The amount of a tip is at the discretion of the person receiving the service, but may be standardized in the form of a set mandatory service fee (not to be confused with an optional tip or gratuity), often for large parties (see "Restaurants" below). For most of the 20th century, it was considered inappropriate for the owner of any establishment to accept any tips. Laws in several states (e.g. California and Washington) require servers to be paid minimum wage. But elsewhere, wage laws allow fixed salaries lower than minimum wage for occupations where the majority of compensation is customarily from tips.
Tipping in Restaurants
Tipping is customary in restaurants having traditional table service. While the amount of a tip is at the discretion of the person receiving the service, the customary tip until the 1980s was from 10 to 15 percent of the total bill before tax, for good to excellent service, and since then has risen to 15 to 20%. The higher percentages are often expected by servers at more expensive establishments. When a server has not adequately addressed issues a customer has with service, the patron sometimes speaks to management to have the problems corrected before considering reducing the tip significantly. In extreme cases of awful service, people sometimes leave no tip. Some people show displeasure through the practice of leaving a very small tip (such as one penny), though this insult is incorrect etiquette.For large groups, such as six or more, many restaurants add a standard predetermined service charge (~18%) in lieu of the gratuity. Reputable restaurants usually post their policy on a sign or the menu, or require servers to inform their patrons of such charges before they order. This charge can be verified by the customer on the bill to avoid double tipping. Customers have a right to negotiate, alter, or refuse charges which were hidden until the bill arrived. In the case of excellent service, a customer may include an extra tip even if the establishment has added the service charge, as the server usually has no choice regarding this policy. If service to a large party is poor, a customer may try to negotiate an alternate service charge with management.
Standard gratuities are not given at buffet-style restaurants. However, if patrons order beverages from the server, then a nominal tip such as $1 each may be considered. Some restaurants add a standard service charge even for buffet service for large parties, though many consider this inappropriate when there is no table service and customers may wish to negotiate an alternate gratuity with management.
Tipping on wine with a meal requires some discretion and judgment, as many restaurants mark up their wine 200 to 400%. Tipping etiquette websites (e.g. Findalink.net/tippingetiquette) suggest a tip of 15% on the meal before tax, and 5-10% on the wine, especially if the total wine bill is near or exceeds the cost of the meal.
Many traditional restaurants offer take-out and curbside service, and standards for tipping for such services vary. No tipping is necessary for regular take-out, where you go in the restaurant and pay/pick up your food. Some advocate optional tipping, for curbside and some say 5% is appropriate. People sometimes tip more for exceptional service or difficult orders.
Tipping at fast food restaurants and coffeehouses such as Starbucks (where there is no table service), is not necessary, despite the common appearance of tip jars (a.k.a. guilt cans), which are considered by etiquette to be the retail equivalent of begging. Apparent justifications on the container, such as "rainy day fund" or "college fund" only enhance their pandering aspects.
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